Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer Fun

Stroke, breath, bob, dive, swim, flip, splash!

Many nights during the summer you'll find your family making waves at the pool. To bad we didn't get some videos of the flip contests. They're amazing!

What big feet for a little girl

Flip Grace flip!
(And for all of you who are wondering, this was a front flip and Grace was in correct form)


Isaac our  fish

It was a great flip!!!

"Delight yourself in the Lord; and he will
give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happy 17th Birthday Caleb

Amazing Tackler

"Have I not Commanded you? Be strong
and courageouse! Do not tremble or be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

Just a few pictures from Caleb's birthday.

Say seventeen!!!

Caleb and Sarah

Someday Isaac!

Now what could this be?!?!?

You can never go wrong with camo!!!

"This should keep my neck warm."

Happy Birthday Caleb! 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting Ready For Winter

Some things just must be done when the sun shines to get ready for when the snow falls.

Caleb and Luke repainting Luke's snow tracks

Luke making sure the shield is free of bugs

Isaac stacking sweet corn

Sweet Corn Sarah

One of God's greatest blessings: Grandma Marie

Here sheep, sheep, sheep!

See You Later

For those who have trusted Christ as their personal Savior there is not good buys only "see you laters." Tuesday morning we helped Jennah load up her things for her long drive up to Three Hills Alberta where her year long mission program is about to begin a Prarie Bible College.
Grandma Marie and Jennah

Jennah and Sarah
Isaac and Jennah
Jennah and Hannah
Sweet and sour
"Now I know why they say 'poor college student'"
Jennah and Grace